UMKC Call for Proposals: Blockchain Technology, Cryptoassets, and the Law

Posted by Ashley Crisafulli, community karma 29

Blockchain Technology, Cryptoassets, and the Law

The UMKC Law Review is pleased to announce a call for submissions relating to the law blockchain technologies and cryptoassets. Selected papers will be published in the Special Topics Symposium, Summer 2019 edition of the UMKC Law Review.

This symposium invites proposals for papers that explore the legal and regulatory issues involved in blockchain technologies and applications. Blockchain technologies is have the potential to redefine the way lawyers draft contracts, record commercial transactions, and verify legal documents. As a direct result of the technology’s potential, investments in blockchain technology have surged over the past year, inviting both legitimate businesses and modern-day scammers. To date, policy makers have yet to determine a consistent approach to the technology that protects the public while not stifling innovation. As a result, this creates a unique opportunity for legal scholars to help shape policy for the future. 

This symposium will be the first issue of UMKC Law Review’s 88th Volume, and will explore these and related topics with the goal of both advancing awareness and influencing public policy. Articles and essays of all lengths and papers by single authors or multiple authors are invited. Preference will be given to works between 5,000 and 25,000 words. To be accepted for publication, articles must not have been previously published. First drafts are due February 15, 2019, and final papers are due March 1, 2019. For papers accepted for publication, authors will be given the opportunity to have their submitted papers immediately published on UMKC Law Review’s Special Topics Symposium webpage during the editing process.

Proposals for papers should be submitted by December 16, 2018 to the attention of:

Ashley Crisafulli at - (Editor); 

Daniel Petrosky at - (Editor); or 

Prof. Del Wright Jr. at – (Faculty Advisor).

Proposals should include the following information:


Contact information


Proposed title of paper

Anticipated wordcount as either an article or essay

Abstract or brief description of the topic

Questions may be addressed to Ashley Crisafulli ( or Daniel Petrosky ( 

over 6 years ago