UC Hastings Women’s Law Journal Call for Submissions

Posted by UC LAW SF, community karma 37
UC Hastings Women’s Law Journal (HWLJ) is now accepting submissions for our 2020 Spring Volume.

HWLJ publishes many types of articles on a variety of subjects, including poems, book reviews, personal pieces, and of course, legal analysis. We offer and maintain an inclusive space for feminism, race theory, queer theory, multi-culturalism, animal rights, disability rights, language rights, international human rights, criminal defendants' rights and human rights of people in prison, among others. HWLJ takes the road less traveled in regard to the law. This perspective embraces difference and celebrates diversity. We strongly believe that the law is a solution for the ills of the human condition, not merely a means of gaining and preserving privilege and position.

We are accepting articles on a rolling basis until January 30, 2020.  We look forward to reviewing your submissions!