Q: Do law review editors have a favorite font for manuscript submissions?

Posted by Dru Stevenson, community karma 14811
 I've been wondering if the new generation of law review article editors prefer (or hate) certain fonts when they look at a submitted manuscript. When I ask other law profs what they do, I get as many different answers as people I ask. I'm sure the content of the manuscript is what matters most, but do editors sort of like it if a manuscript looks like the final articles they publish (page proofs) at their journal, in terms of fonts and margins? 
I'm pretty curious about what Gen Z journal editors think.  

1 Comment

Melvin Otey, community karma 3007
I'm a professor, so I may not be the target audience for this question. However, I prepare all drafts in Times New Roman unless I see that a journal specifically asks for something else. The journals adjust to their preferred fonts when they prepare the edited article for publication. 
9 months ago
Thank you!
Dru Stevenson – 9 months ago
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