Michigan Journal of Gender and Law: Call for Submissions Fall 2024

Posted by Rachel Fishman, community karma 49
The Michigan Journal of Gender and Law is currently accepting article submissions for Volume 31.2 and we are nearing the end of our selections period. If you are interested in publishing with the Journal,  please submit before Friday, March 29th to have your manuscript considered.

As a feminist legal publication, we prefer pieces that focus on gender-related issues through a legal lens. Additionally, submissions should be at least 10,000 to be considered for publication. 

Please email mjgl-submissions@umich.edu with additional questions or concerns. 

We look forward to reading your scholarship! 

Rachel Fishman 
Selections Editor, Michigan Journal of Gender and Law, Volume 31.1

12 months ago

1 Comment

Rachel Fishman, community karma 49
If you are interested in submitting your piece, but are unable to do so within the allotted timeline, please email your concerns to mjgl-submissions@umich.edu. 
12 months ago
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