Journal of Law and Political Economy - Call for Submissions

Posted by Angela Harris, community karma 1852

The Journal of Law and Political Economy invites submissions of up to 20,000 words from scholars in law, the social sciences, and the humanities whose research seeks to expose mechanisms of structural inequality and promote economic, political, and social justice.

Unlike most US law reviews, we have a “single submission” policy: we will not consider manuscripts that have been sent simultaneously to other journals. As a peer-reviewed journal, your article will be vetted by experts in the field who will provide you with detailed, substantive feedback.

We welcome your submissions through either Scholastica or eScholarship. We publish on a rolling basis and accept submissions at any time.


JLPE is an online, peer-reviewed journal hosted by the University of California, Berkeley School of Law and published by the University of California’s eScholarship platform. A project of ClassCrits, Inc., we are affiliated with the pathbreaking Law and Political Economy movement, and our sister organizations include the LPE Project, the Association for the Promotion of Political Economy and Law (APPEAL), and the LPE Collaborative Research Network of the Law and Society Association. Our Editorial and Advisory Boards consist of distinguished, nationally and internationally known scholars drawn widely from law, the social sciences, and the humanities.

With the conviction that conventional Law and Economics is inadequate to the multiple and overlapping crises of our time, JLPE seeks to promote multi- and interdisciplinary analyses of the mutually constitutive interactions among law, society, institutions, and politics. Our central goal is to explore power in all its manifestations (race, class, gender, sexuality, disability, global inequality, etc.) and the relationship of law to power. Accordingly, JLPE aims to provide an academic and practical resource for, and to foster discussion among, international scholars, activists, and educators to build bridges among the diverse groups whose work engages and resists the legal foundations of structural subordination and inequality.


We publish articles (no more than 20,000 words inclusive of notes, tables, appendices, and references) on a range of topics relevant to law and political economy, including the corporation, finance, antitrust, banking, money, and globalization; the political economy of race (including racial capitalism), gender, settler colonialism, and caste relations; property (including intellectual property); technology and the information economy; labor markets; the relationship between democracy and capitalism; the carceral state; economic inequality and precarity; the “triple crisis” of environment, economics, and development; international trade relations; and more. We also publish short book reviews of recent books (approximately 1,000 words in length), and longer reviews (up to 2,500 words) that reflect on several recent books, or reappraise classic scholarly writings from an LPE perspective.


As a peer-reviewed journal, your article will be vetted by experts in the field who will provide you with detailed, substantive feedback. Because of this labor-intensive process, we have a “single submission” policy: we will not consider manuscripts that have been sent simultaneously to other journals. 

Our “double-blind” policy means that you are anonymous to our reviewers, and they are anonymous to you. Our editorial team will help guide you through the peer review process, providing independent commentary and, once your article is accepted for publication, substantive and copy editing. This process will ensure that your manuscript meets the highest possible standard.


We are pleased to announce that we are now on Scholastica! You may also submit through eScholarship. To propose a book review, or for other queries, please contact our Managing Editor, Chloe Reichel, at

Our style sheet is based on the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (including its author-date system for in-text citations) and the ALWD system for primary legal sources. However, we welcome manuscripts produced in Bluebook and other formats, as long as authors are willing to adopt our style sheet after manuscript acceptance.

3 months ago