Final Call for Submissions: University of Louisville Law Review

Posted by Bradley Dick, community karma 139
The University of Louisville Law Review has only one publication spot remaining in Issue 2 of Volume 61, which will be published in March 2023. We are a general interest publication, so any topic is welcome, but several of the works slotted for Issue 2 focus on protecting the vulnerable. Please submit through Scholastica or to 
over 2 years ago


Diane J. Klein, community karma 27
I am not sure if you have filled this spot; I have just today sent you a piece that includes an analysis of an 1840 Kentucky case related to "insane delusion" in wills and trusts law.
over 2 years ago
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Charles Lamb, community karma 19965
Dear Ms. Compton:

In response to your call last evening, I have already submitted a paper on regional fair housing enforcement for African Americans and Latinos. Although we have an offer from the BYU Journal of Public Law, we would seriously consider one from the University of Louisville Law Review.


Charles M. Lamb
Research Professor of Political Science
University at Buffalo, SUNY
Buffalo, NY 14260

over 2 years ago
Excellent, we will review. Thank you!
Bradley Dick – over 2 years ago
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Harvey Gilmore, community karma 19359
Hello Ms. Compton.

I've submitted a piece called "The Kinder, Gentler IRS? Where?" It deals with the IRS' long history of abusing taxpayers and its reputation of being concerned far more with winning than with taxpayer fairness.

I hope you like it.

Harvey Gilmore, LLM, JD
Assistant Professor of Taxation
University of Hartford
over 2 years ago
Sounds interesting! We will review. Thank you!
Bradley Dick – over 2 years ago
Hi Ms. Compton. I must remove my piece from consideration as it has been accepted by another journal. Hopefully we can do something down the road. Best Regards, Harvey Gilmore
Harvey Gilmore – over 2 years ago
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