Call for Submissions: Columbia Journal of Gender and Law's "Gender and Health" Special Issue

Posted by Shane Ferro, community karma 37

The Columbia Journal of Gender and Law welcomes submissions for its 2019 Special Issue, “Gender and Health,” to be published in the Fall of 2019.

Healthcare and gender intersect on a daily basis. From discussions on universal healthcare in the United States to abortion to patient safety, nearly every major issue of healthcare and health law involves the issue of gender. Sexism in diagnostic medicine is well documented. Reproductive medicine is often seen as a niche or special issue. Female and transgender prisoners are often denied adequate medical care. Black women experience an incredibly high maternal mortality rate within the United States. There is a shortage of female surgeons and women in senior positions in healthcare science. We would like to explore the breadth of these intersectionalities.

The Columbia Journal of Gender and Law calls for academics, practitioners, and policy-makers to engage in a broad dialogue to address the issue of gender and healthcare. These topics may address, but are not limited to:

  1. Transgender patients and binary dualisms of healthcare;
  2. Prison healthcare;
  3. Menstrual health;
  4. Sexual assault and #MeToo;
  5. Medicine as a profession;
  6. Family planning and abortion;
  7. Sexism in diagnostic medicine;
  8. Sex work, regulation, and health.

We are looking to publish 3-6 pieces of various lengths that address a problem related to gender, law, and health. We are an interdisciplinary journal and often accept papers that are written from a perspective that diverges from straight legal academia. Generally we publish papers in the range of 12,000-25,000 words, but for this special issue we will accept shorter essays in the 5,000-10,000 word range as well. The Columbia Journal of Gender and Law will invite selected authors to publish their articles in the 2019 Special Issue.

Authors should submit a cover letter and 1-2 page summary of their proposed paper to Piper Sheren, Symposium Editor, at

The deadline for submissions of article proposals is March 31, 2019. Completed articles will be due by July 31, 2019.

about 6 years ago