Call for Submissions: Albany Law Review Vol. 87, New York Appeals 14th Annual Issue

Posted by Stephanie Andrews, community karma 27

The Albany Law Review invites submissions from legal and judicial scholars, as well as from practitioners, to be considered for publication in the fourteenth annual issue of New York Appeals.

The theme for this year’s New York Appeals issue is:

Transitioning from the DiFiore Court to the Wilson Court

Through this issue, we hope to explore the significance of the change at the New York Court of Appeals from the era of former Chief Judge Janet DiFiore to that of recently appointed Chief Judge Rowan Wilson.

Examples of possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  1. Chief Judge Wilson’s career and his previous opinions and votes while an Associate Judge;
  2. The selection process for the Court of Appeals, including that which resulted in the appointment of Chief Judge Wilson and Associate Judge Caitlin Halligan;
  3. The current composition of the Court and judicial profiles of individual Judges;
  4. The possible changes in the Court’s jurisprudence and caseload;
  5. Administrative challenges for the new Chief Judge and the Chief Administrative Judge.

Additionally, discussions of other subjects pertinent to New York State law and its appellate courts will also be considered for publication.

Interested authors should forward their submissions to Stephanie Andrews, Executive Editor for New York Appeals, at by November 1, 2023. Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all spots are filled. For further information, please contact Ms. Andrews at the email address provided above.

The Anthony V. Cardona Annual Issue of New York Appeals, inaugurated in 2010, has striven to be a useful resource for courts, practitioners, and legal academics by providing in-depth analyses of important matters—legal, administrative, and otherwise—involving the New York Court of Appeals and other appellate courts in the state. Themes of previous issues have focused on judicial profiles, interpretations of substantive law, and elevating “voices from the field” that highlighted the impact of current events on practicing appellate attorneys.